A circular economy must operate within planetary boundaries. Improvements in circularity offer opportunities to mitigate both climate change and biodiversity loss. This session will build on the important work of WCEF+Climate by exploring how circularity can help address both crises, with a focus on biodiversity loss in particular. The session marks an important stepping-stone towards the integration of circular economy approaches into international climate and biodiversity agendas. It is geared towards audiences from climate, biodiversity and circular economy fields who seek greater understanding of how the circular economy can support the achievement of climate and biodiversity targets.
Organizers: The Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra and Environment and Climate Change Canada, in collaboration with African Circular Economy Alliance, Circular Economy Leadership Canada, Ellen MacArthur Foundation, European Commission, Government of Finland, United Nations Environment Programme and World Business Council for Sustainable Development.
Circular Economy and the Economics of Biodiversity
Prof. Partha Dasgupta
Frank Ramsey Professor Emeritus of Economics, University of Cambridge
Elina Ravantti
Director of Communications and Public Affairs, THE FINNISH INNOVATION FUND SITRA
Panel Discussion: Circular Businesses for Climate and Biodiversity
Petri Alava
CEO and Co-founder, Infinited Fiber Company
Tim Forslund
Circular Economy Specialist, The Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra
Kathleen McLaughlin
Executive Vice President and Chief Sustainability Officer, Walmart Inc and President of the Walmart Foundation.
Olivia Markham
Managing Director, BlackRock
Panel Discussion: Circular Economy as a Tool in Policy Making
Elizabeth Maruma Mrema
Executive Secretary, Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity
Natan Obed
President, Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami
Christine Hogan
Deputy Minister, Environment and Climate Change Canada
Rolando Castro Córdoba
Vice Minister of Energy Ministry of Environment and Energy, Costa Rica
The Rt Hon Lord Zac Goldsmith
Minister for the Pacific and the Environment
Wrap-Up Reflections
Mari Pantsar
Director, Sustainability solutions, The Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra
Masters of Ceremonies:
Kathryn Gretsinger
Journalist & Associate Professor, UBC School of Journalism, Writing & Media
Chúk Odenigbo
Founding Director, Future Ancestors Services