
What is WCEF?

The annual World Circular Economy Forum (WCEF) presents the world’s leading circular economy solutions with business leaders, policymakers and experts participating from around the world.

Circular economy approaches can help businesses seize new opportunities and gain a competitive advantage, as well as contribute to achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

WCEF is a global initiative of Finland and the Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra. The first Forum, WCEF2017, identified key elements of a circular economy and showcased solutions and learnings from around the world.

At WCEF2018, more than one 1000 circular economy experts discussed creating a true circular economy by 2050. WCEF2019 emphasized the next era of the circular economy and scaling up the transition, with more than 2,200 participants.

As the world adjusted to the impacts of COVID-19, WCEFonline presented the circular solutions to rebooting the world’s economy and opened its doors to even more participants through its new online format. Most recently, WCEF+Climate focused on the crucial role of a circular economy in achieving climate neutrality.


Game Changers! Seizing the Circular Opportunity

The World Circular Economy Forum 2021 (WCEF2021) will be hosted online from Canada, September 13 to 15, 2021.

Building on previous forums, WCEF2021 will focus on the system level changes, or “game changers”, needed to accelerate the transition to a circular economy. Seizing the circular opportunity requires transformational change and collective efforts by businesses, policymakers, civil society and others.

Hosted in North America for the first time, WCEF2021 will bring dynamic new voices to the global discussion, explore circular opportunities from the perspective of natural resource producing countries, and highlight the critical importance of the circular economy to fight climate change and to protect biodiversity.

Consult the Programme for more details about the event.

Now is the time to make the changes necessary to ensure future prosperity, sustainability and resilience. WCEF2021 will bring together global leaders and experts to drive ambitious action over the next five years to accelerate the transition to a prosperous, inclusive and equitable circular economy.

Questions? Contact us:

Want to know more about the WCEF2021? Please contact the Government of Canada: ec.2021wcef-fmec.ec@canada.ca.

Interested in organizing a WCEF in the future? Please contact Sitra: contactus.wcef@sitra.fi.