Circular North America

Read the Circular North America discussion paper!

Canada is excited to be hosting the World Circular Economy Forum in 2021! In preparation for this year’s Forum, Environment and Climate Change Canada and the United Nations Environment Programme North America Office co-hosted Circular North America, a WCEFonline side event in November 2020.

The Circular North America side event focused on the opportunities, issues and challenges associated with advancing North America’s circular transition.

The interactive event supported networking and community building, and gave participants the opportunity to share their own experiences and brainstorm a path forward for the circular economy in North America.

The side event was organized in partnership with Circular Economy Leadership Canada, the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, and MIT Solve.

A full discussion paper, reflecting input from participants, is now available. Read Circular North America: accelerating the transition to a thriving and resilient low-carbon economy today!